I Wanna Travel the World…………..


Hello Readers!
This is going to be a really quick post but tomorrow I’m setting off on an adventure to Prague then to London for the Olympics Opening Ceremony then onto Stafford for my cousins wedding. Although traveling can be a stressful experience it will always be in my mind one of the best and most magical experiences any human can undertake.


If you don’t believe me take a look at this little clip, technically its advertising for a flight search engine site but it captures the great feeling you get from traveling to interesting places all over the world.

I Wanna Travel the World Video
The point of this little post is just to say this, get out there and travel. It doesn’t matter if you can’t go thousands of miles just go a few hundred and find some interesting and diverse place that pushes you out of your comfort zone. That’s the true beauty of travel it forces you to understand other cultures, other places and in a way come into your own va va voom.

So figure out where you can go and go! Don’t say oh some day I’ll get there because some day or one day will never happen. The only day is today, so get out there, see the world and let the travel help shape you into the amazing person you’ve always wanted to be. I hope this little post has given you some inspiration and if you’ve been on travels recently, tell me where have you been?
Until next time be blessed, stay strong and never give up,
God Bless,

Grace Hatton